As we never made a Merry Christmas post, we are going to use this Monday post to say that we hope you all had a Merry Christmas. May God bless you and your families!
~Not I But Christ
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Who Am I?
The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.
-Vince Lombardi
As teen girls, we often wonder who we are. Sure, we know our names, our birthdays, our favorites, but we wonder who we will become. I know for me that this question of who I am makes me question myself daily. I constantly am curious of who I'm meant to be in the future. Will I be a wife? A mother? Will I be a school teacher? A music teacher?
Many years ago, we were given a gift, the greatest gift ever given. It was Jesus. He came and died for our sins so that we wouldn't have to live in eternal pain and suffering. He gave us the gift of love. The question is, what will we do with that love?
As the quote at the beginning of this post says, who we are is what we do with what we have. We were given the gift of salvation, so why not share that gift? No matter who we are in the future, we should be always telling others about Christ.
As a wife, we can tell people about God at the grocery store. As a mother, we can tell the doctor that is caring for our children about Jesus. As a teacher, we can show God's love through the way we act around the children we are teaching. There are so many ways to share God's love.
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Q and A | Hello!!
1. What made you decide to write this blog?
Well, I can definitely say as a group we all thought it would be fun to start our own blog! We also wanted to help other young girls grow in Christ. Even though we're far from being perfect and having all of the answers, we want to be a light to the world.
2. Alot of people think that you have to do good things to get to heaven! What do you think about that?
The Bible clearly says that the good things we do, like going to church, reading the Bible, giving to the needy, helping the old lady across the street, or whatever else is in the "good works" category, will not get us to heaven. One of the first verses that comes to my mind is probably Ephesians 2:8-9 which says,
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
The apostle Paul, who is writing to the believers in Ephesus, says that we have been saved by grace through faith. Grace is getting something we don't deserve (which in this verse is eternal life) while putting our full reliance on Christ (which is faith). No one in the world can do enough good things to gain their way into heaven.
God love you and I so much that He sent his only Son to this earth (which is why we celebrate Christmas) where He was born in a stable to Mary and Joseph. He grew up and went to the cross, not for anything He did, but for what I (and the whole world) did, so that we could one day live in heaven with Him for eternity.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
It's not something we need to earn, but instead it's a gift! You don't have to earn a gift, you either accept it, or deny it.
Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
~Not I But Christ
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday Message | Born to be a Savior
So in light of Christmas coming this week, my dad preached on why Jesus came. There are a lot of verses in this one and I'll only touch on a few of them, so feel free to get your Bible out and look them up!
Our Need for Salvation
First of all, He came to die. But why did He have to die? Why couldn't He have just put a magical spell on everyone to make them not sin?
To answer that question, we have to go a ll the way back to the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God gave the Law. My dad explained that the Law is inflexible; it's immovable. If you break the Law, it requires a severe penalty. Of course, now we have a problem. None of us are perfect and we all break the Law pretty much all the time.
Galatians 3:10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them."
Deuteronomy 27:26 "'Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.'...
So why should we have the law at all if we know we're going to break it? (Romans 3:20)
Romans 7:7 What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin....
The Law is there to show us our sin. As Paul says in Romans, if the Law had not said not to covet, he would have never though about coveting. It's kind of like the wet paint example. If there's a sign that says "Wet Paint, Do Not Touch" we automatically want to touch it.
We need salvation. We cannot keep the law ourselves, but there are consequences to disobeying it. This is where Jesus comes in. He came to do what we could not do ourselves.
A lot of people say that if God is loving, He wouldn't send people to Hell. He is loving (that's why He sent His Son) but He is also just. This means that He can't let sin go unpunished. Someone had to take our place.
My dad's next point was The Means of Salvation.
Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Jesus Christ from the law of sin and death.
Jesus kept the law for us. He was God, but He was also man, so He was under the Law and had to obey it. His righteousness was an earned one.
Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law.
And He could obey the Law perfectly because He is God and cannot sin. Jesus' plan was to fully obey His Father (Hebrews 10:7)
1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if any of you do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
Jesus' righteousness is also a vicarious and imputed righteousness. "Vicarious" means "to substitute" and "imputed" means "credited". Jesus was and is the substitute for our sin and He is the only One who can fully and completely take our sin away. (Romans 5:15-17)
God requires perfect obedience to the law. Man can't obey perfectly so we deserve death. Jesus, the perfect mediator between God and man, is righteous and does not deserve death, but He took our punishment on Himself. His perfect obedience counted for us and His death fully payed the penalty that we deserved for breaking God's law.
Jesus' Death
Jesus' death was the first of all a real one. He died as though He were a man condemned as a sinner.
Secondly, it was a substitute death. Both His death and life counted for us. (2 Cor. 5:21) 1 Corinthians 15:3 also says that Christ died for our sins; He has none of His own.
Thirdly, it was a scheduled death. From the beginning of time God had a perfect plan in His sovereignty (Rev. 13:8). This highlights the fact that Jesus is the only way to salvation; there is no other way.
Galatians 2:21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.
Next, it was a successful death. Jesus' death saved us from our sin and appeased God's just wrath. Everyone who has or will place their trust in Jesus Christ receives eternal life. His death removed all sin and guilt.
Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
Jesus' Resurrection
First of all, His resurrection really happened. It wasn't faked; it actually, miraculously occurred. Secondly, it fulfilled all the Old Testament prophesies. The fact that He resurrected, that He came back to life, shows that Jesus has finished what He needed too. Finally, it assures us eternal life. Because Jesus lives, we can live.
When God looks on those who have accepted His gift of salvation, instead of the sinner we are, He see Jesus' sacrifice for us.
Well, there you go! What was your Sunday sermon on??
P.S. Come back Wednesday for our Q & A post!!!!
Our Need for Salvation
First of all, He came to die. But why did He have to die? Why couldn't He have just put a magical spell on everyone to make them not sin?
To answer that question, we have to go a ll the way back to the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God gave the Law. My dad explained that the Law is inflexible; it's immovable. If you break the Law, it requires a severe penalty. Of course, now we have a problem. None of us are perfect and we all break the Law pretty much all the time.
Galatians 3:10 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them."
Deuteronomy 27:26 "'Cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.'...
So why should we have the law at all if we know we're going to break it? (Romans 3:20)
Romans 7:7 What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin....
The Law is there to show us our sin. As Paul says in Romans, if the Law had not said not to covet, he would have never though about coveting. It's kind of like the wet paint example. If there's a sign that says "Wet Paint, Do Not Touch" we automatically want to touch it.
We need salvation. We cannot keep the law ourselves, but there are consequences to disobeying it. This is where Jesus comes in. He came to do what we could not do ourselves.
A lot of people say that if God is loving, He wouldn't send people to Hell. He is loving (that's why He sent His Son) but He is also just. This means that He can't let sin go unpunished. Someone had to take our place.
My dad's next point was The Means of Salvation.
Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Jesus Christ from the law of sin and death.
Jesus kept the law for us. He was God, but He was also man, so He was under the Law and had to obey it. His righteousness was an earned one.
Galatians 4:4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law.
And He could obey the Law perfectly because He is God and cannot sin. Jesus' plan was to fully obey His Father (Hebrews 10:7)
1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if any of you do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
Jesus' righteousness is also a vicarious and imputed righteousness. "Vicarious" means "to substitute" and "imputed" means "credited". Jesus was and is the substitute for our sin and He is the only One who can fully and completely take our sin away. (Romans 5:15-17)
God requires perfect obedience to the law. Man can't obey perfectly so we deserve death. Jesus, the perfect mediator between God and man, is righteous and does not deserve death, but He took our punishment on Himself. His perfect obedience counted for us and His death fully payed the penalty that we deserved for breaking God's law.
Jesus' Death
Jesus' death was the first of all a real one. He died as though He were a man condemned as a sinner.
Secondly, it was a substitute death. Both His death and life counted for us. (2 Cor. 5:21) 1 Corinthians 15:3 also says that Christ died for our sins; He has none of His own.
Thirdly, it was a scheduled death. From the beginning of time God had a perfect plan in His sovereignty (Rev. 13:8). This highlights the fact that Jesus is the only way to salvation; there is no other way.
Galatians 2:21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose.
Next, it was a successful death. Jesus' death saved us from our sin and appeased God's just wrath. Everyone who has or will place their trust in Jesus Christ receives eternal life. His death removed all sin and guilt.
Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
Jesus' Resurrection
First of all, His resurrection really happened. It wasn't faked; it actually, miraculously occurred. Secondly, it fulfilled all the Old Testament prophesies. The fact that He resurrected, that He came back to life, shows that Jesus has finished what He needed too. Finally, it assures us eternal life. Because Jesus lives, we can live.
When God looks on those who have accepted His gift of salvation, instead of the sinner we are, He see Jesus' sacrifice for us.
Well, there you go! What was your Sunday sermon on??
P.S. Come back Wednesday for our Q & A post!!!!
any questions you may have at Girls
Inspiring Girls.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Plans For This Blog
When we first made this blog, we were writing posts every day. With school, we got extremely busy and it just wasn't working out to write that much. Our brilliant amazing idea person (A.K.A. Carissa) came up with an ingenious plan.
We will post every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Monday will be a devotional post, Wednesday will be a post where we answer some of your questions and Saturday will be an inspirational post.
Feel free to put some topic ideas for our devotional post and/or our inspirational post in the comments below. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to post those as well.
God Bless!
~In Christ Alone
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
The Object of Your Love
This song is one of my favorites because of its incredible message. I love the last verse especially. It kind of goes along with what Autumn and Charis wrote about on Thursday and Friday.
Apart from God, a slave to sin,
My guilt to much to bear,
My heart has found no hope within,
And peace gives way to care.
Yet now I see Your broken form upon dark Calvary.
It was my fault that You were torn;
You proved Your love to me.
With contrite heart I bow in shame
Before my God above.
Without regard for His great name,
I've sinned against His love.
Yet now my Savior's words I hear within this holy place,
"My friend there is no need to fear,
You're at the Throne of Grace."
And when I feel my heart would break
For grief within my soul,
Help me to know there's no mistake;
My God is in control.
Yet now I feel eternal arms supporting me inside.
You are a shade from every harm,
You'll never leave my side.
Now I am Yours, and You are mine,
O precious thought to me!
The priceless gift of love divine provides security.
The life I owe such mercy could never be enough.
But thank you, Lord, for making me
The Object of Your Love.
*Words by Andy Gleiser
Apart from God, a slave to sin,
My guilt to much to bear,
My heart has found no hope within,
And peace gives way to care.
Yet now I see Your broken form upon dark Calvary.
It was my fault that You were torn;
You proved Your love to me.
With contrite heart I bow in shame
Before my God above.
Without regard for His great name,
I've sinned against His love.
Yet now my Savior's words I hear within this holy place,
"My friend there is no need to fear,
You're at the Throne of Grace."
And when I feel my heart would break
For grief within my soul,
Help me to know there's no mistake;
My God is in control.
Yet now I feel eternal arms supporting me inside.
You are a shade from every harm,
You'll never leave my side.
Now I am Yours, and You are mine,
O precious thought to me!
The priceless gift of love divine provides security.
The life I owe such mercy could never be enough.
But thank you, Lord, for making me
The Object of Your Love.
*Words by Andy Gleiser
Friday, December 5, 2014
When Life is Up-Side-Down
When I was five, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis,
which is just a fancy word for a very sick colon. I lived in the hospital a
lot, and was put on almost every drug imaginable. I ended up with three
surgeries along with a bunch of other really scary procedures. You can read the whole story here. Then my
family was involved in a van accident in 2008 and I lost part of my hand. And
in 2010, my baby brother went to heaven.
As I got older, the one word that always stuck in my head was "why." I think most people ask this question, when they're going through something they don't understand. I still don't understand it all completely, but I do know that God has complete control over my life. I want everything that happens in my life to bring glory and honor to God. And for others to see Him in me.
This is a little
bit of what my mom wrote a few years ago, “For me, it’s important to remember
that God has a level of maturity that He desires to bring all of us to in this.
Trusting Him has to be more than agreeing with the nod of the head; it has to
be lived out in our daily lives—in His experience—and Christ must be glorified
in it all.”
God's word doesn't specifically give me an answer for "why you were in a car accident", but it does explain some of the reasons trials are put into our lives.
God's word doesn't specifically give me an answer for "why you were in a car accident", but it does explain some of the reasons trials are put into our lives.
1 Peter 1:7, “so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious
than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in
praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
James 1:2, “or you know that the testing of your faith produces
1 Peter 4:11a, “…in order that in everything God may be glorified
through Jesus Christ.”
Psalm 119:67, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep
your word.”
Psalm 119:71, “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might
learn your statutes.
I have been reading a book for my devotions and one of the
chapters is on trust. The author defines trust as “firm confidence in the
reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something; placing
reliance on something else over which one has little control." One of the most familiar verses on trust, in
the Bible is Proverbs 3:5-6,
It’s so easy to rely on my own understanding, espicially when life seem like it's up-side-down. Like doing only what I think is best or what I think is right, instead of trusting God that He is in control. Faith and trust go hand-in-hand in the Bible. Faith is taking God at his word; that what He says is true. Trust is simply faith in God.
I don’t have to look at life
through the world’s eyes, which says, “take life as it happens” or, “Oh well”, but instead as a Christian, I can put my trust in Someone who has complete
control in everything going on in my life.
When I was little, dad would stand at the bottom of the basement stairs while I would be on the third step. Dad would tell me to jump into his arms and he would catch me. I put trust in my dad when I jumped and I had faith that he would catch me because he said so.
Isaiah 26:4, “Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”
Psalm 71:5, “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.”
Night time is probably the hardest time for most people. It’s when we lie awake thinking about things that happened that day, or dwelling on things that might happen in the future.
There was one night at 2am, that I felt
completely helpless, like there was no one in the whole world that could help
me. I felt all alone. I had had an allergic
reaction to something and it had gotten really bad. I finally just cried to God, because there
was nothing else that I could do to fix the situation myself. It later reminded me that God keeps his promises and He is always there, even at 2 in the morning when I feel all by myself in the dark.
Psalm 139:7-12 “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I
flee from your presence? If I ascend to
heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the
wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there
your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely
the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the
darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as
light with you.”
1 Corinthians 4:16-18 “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self
is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light
momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all
comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that
are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are
unseen are eternal.”
Mom introduced me to these verses and they have been my
go-to verses for the past couple of weeks. I tend to look at all of the things
in my life like, money for college, summer plans, a job, my sometimes annoying siblings,
a really really bad day, finishing school on time, or constantly getting yelled
at. (Ok so not constantly, but sometimes it may seem like that :P)
I look at these as big and impossible, because
in my flesh they are, but in light of eternity and all the awesome things that
God has planned, they don’t even compare. It’s like drawing a long line, which is
eternity and placing a dot above it, which is my life.
It puts it in
perspective….I shouldn't get mad at the bad things in my life when they don’t
even matter in the end. I’m not saying my problems will magically disappear and life will be perfect, but when my heart attitude changes, and I focus on “Who” not "Why
me”, I don’t have to dwell on myself, but instead on the greater picture which
is Christ.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
December Thoughts
It's December again and with it comes holiday's, joy and blessings. For me, December is one of the hardest months out of the year. Why? December is the month in which I lost someone very close to my heart. December 4th is a date that changed my life forever. I lost one of my best friends, one of my family members, one of my biggest fans. I lost someone that I trusted through thick and thin to be strong and get me through. I lost my brother.
It was October 26th, 2007 that my brother was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. This happened just days after my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was young, and didn't really understand what this meant. This cancer was basically a death sentence.
All throughout the 25 months of fighting this cancer, my brother was strong and I was convinced that he would make it. I was absolutely sure the God would make him the first survivor of this terrible cancer.
I remember sitting by his bed, moments after the doctors told us that he would die within the next few days. I remember praying, begging God to preform a miracle. Even after we lost him, I couldn't accept the fact that he was gone. I was constantly thinking, Why would God do this? What did my family do wrong? Why would he take someone that made such a difference? Why?
I felt alone, scared and I was mad at God. I was mad at him for taking my best friend, my brother, the person who made me laugh. People tried to help me, but I shut them out. I wasn't willing to listen to anything about God. I only wanted to hear what I wanted to hear.
It wasn't until summer camp of 2014 that I finally let it go. I finally let God comfort me. I will never regret that day. All of my burden was gone and God was in control. I felt relieved and joyful.
Although I'll never completely get over the loss of my brother, I do have hope of seeing him again one day in heaven.
Below is a note I recently wrote to him.
Dear Andrew, I miss you. Life isn't the same without you. Sometimes I wonder why you left, but then I remember where you are and who you're with, and I try to be happy. I know you would want me to be happy! I wish you were here to make me laugh every second of the day.... I wish you were here to take absolutely crazy selfies with me... I wish you could play sports with me.... I wish you could meet some of my new friends. But at the same time, it makes me happy that you're safe and sound. It makes me glad that my little cutie of a brother is in no more pain. It makes me happy to think that you are experiencing the joys of heaven. Whenever I'm at Olive Garden, I can still hear you laughing at me trying to slurp my noodles out of the bowl during our noodle eating contests. I still can see you smile when I make a ditzy comment. I can still hear you saying CHARIS WAYNE SMITH when I didn't come when you called. Because that's all I have left... Happy memories... Memories of Disney world roller coasters, memories of traveling to so many places. Memories of meeting the MSU teams. I even remember the time when you were into cows... I remember having to sing REALLLLY LOUD to carry over your absolutely obnoxious, but amazing, alto voice... It makes me both sad and happy to think about this. But what makes me REALLY happy, is to think about the even better times we will have in heaven together. I can't wait till I see you again!! I love you SO SO MUCH!!! I miss you more every day!! 😘😘😘 Love Your sis, Charis Wayne
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls .
It was October 26th, 2007 that my brother was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. This happened just days after my mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I was young, and didn't really understand what this meant. This cancer was basically a death sentence.
All throughout the 25 months of fighting this cancer, my brother was strong and I was convinced that he would make it. I was absolutely sure the God would make him the first survivor of this terrible cancer.
I remember sitting by his bed, moments after the doctors told us that he would die within the next few days. I remember praying, begging God to preform a miracle. Even after we lost him, I couldn't accept the fact that he was gone. I was constantly thinking, Why would God do this? What did my family do wrong? Why would he take someone that made such a difference? Why?
I felt alone, scared and I was mad at God. I was mad at him for taking my best friend, my brother, the person who made me laugh. People tried to help me, but I shut them out. I wasn't willing to listen to anything about God. I only wanted to hear what I wanted to hear.
It wasn't until summer camp of 2014 that I finally let it go. I finally let God comfort me. I will never regret that day. All of my burden was gone and God was in control. I felt relieved and joyful.
Although I'll never completely get over the loss of my brother, I do have hope of seeing him again one day in heaven.
Below is a note I recently wrote to him.
Dear Andrew, I miss you. Life isn't the same without you. Sometimes I wonder why you left, but then I remember where you are and who you're with, and I try to be happy. I know you would want me to be happy! I wish you were here to make me laugh every second of the day.... I wish you were here to take absolutely crazy selfies with me... I wish you could play sports with me.... I wish you could meet some of my new friends. But at the same time, it makes me happy that you're safe and sound. It makes me glad that my little cutie of a brother is in no more pain. It makes me happy to think that you are experiencing the joys of heaven. Whenever I'm at Olive Garden, I can still hear you laughing at me trying to slurp my noodles out of the bowl during our noodle eating contests. I still can see you smile when I make a ditzy comment. I can still hear you saying CHARIS WAYNE SMITH when I didn't come when you called. Because that's all I have left... Happy memories... Memories of Disney world roller coasters, memories of traveling to so many places. Memories of meeting the MSU teams. I even remember the time when you were into cows... I remember having to sing REALLLLY LOUD to carry over your absolutely obnoxious, but amazing, alto voice... It makes me both sad and happy to think about this. But what makes me REALLY happy, is to think about the even better times we will have in heaven together. I can't wait till I see you again!! I love you SO SO MUCH!!! I miss you more every day!! 😘😘😘 Love Your sis, Charis Wayne
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls .
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7
We live in a world that laughs in the face of God. People look at God's knowledge and wisdom as unimportant and useless. But we can see from the verse above that wisdom and knowledge are of utmost importance to our God. In Proverbs 16:16, David states that it is better to get wisdom and understanding than to get gold and choice silver.
If this is so important to God, don't you think it should also be important to us?
Rather than having the wisdom of the world, God wants us to have the right kind of wisdom. His word is full of knowledge and truth, unlike the wisdom of the world.
In John Bunyan's "Pilgrims Progress, Christian (who is trying to get directions to the wicker gate) happens upon a man called Mr. Worldly Wiseman. This man gives Christian some so called "wise advice", saying that the way in which Christian is travelling will only lead him to pain, hunger and darkness. But his worldly knowledge leads Christian astray. From that example, we can see that the worlds wisdom is directly against what God says.
The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken; lo they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them? Jeremiah 8:9
God's wisdom is best.
"Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world...But we speak the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 2:6a-7a.
I challenge you to follow after wisdom. Seek it with your whole heart, for this is well pleasing unto the LORD.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Dear Readers,
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! :) We will be praying for the safety of those traveling to visit family and/or friends for this holiday! Eat lots of turkey, and enjoy the time of rest! :)

~Autumn, Caitlyn, Carissa, and Charis
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls.
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! :) We will be praying for the safety of those traveling to visit family and/or friends for this holiday! Eat lots of turkey, and enjoy the time of rest! :)

~Autumn, Caitlyn, Carissa, and Charis
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Be Thankful For The Little Things
It's thanksgiving week! A week filled with fun, family, laughter and of course that amazing turkey! Carissa has posted before on being thankful (Thankfulness on a Cookie Sheet), but I wanted to take a moment during this special week to think about what it means to be thankful.
When asked what we are thankful for, most of us would say "A warm home, a good family, solid friends, talented teachers," and so forth. Most of us, including myself, miss the little blessings that God sends us daily. Blessings such as a good parking spot, an extra quarter or two found at the bottom of a drawer, or even something as small as some cereal for breakfast in the morning. There are several verses about being thankful throughout the Bible.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Ephesians 5:20
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
O give thanks unto the LORD, for [he is] good: for his mercy [endureth] for ever.
Psalms 107:1
What are the seemingly minuscule blessings that God sends you daily? For me, the fact that there is warm coffee every morning when I wake up is a blessing. One of the many blessings that I often miss throughout my busy mornings.
As we sit with family and friends at the dining room table on thanksgiving day, take a moment to be thankful for the little things.
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls .
When asked what we are thankful for, most of us would say "A warm home, a good family, solid friends, talented teachers," and so forth. Most of us, including myself, miss the little blessings that God sends us daily. Blessings such as a good parking spot, an extra quarter or two found at the bottom of a drawer, or even something as small as some cereal for breakfast in the morning. There are several verses about being thankful throughout the Bible.
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Ephesians 5:20
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
O give thanks unto the LORD, for [he is] good: for his mercy [endureth] for ever.
Psalms 107:1
What are the seemingly minuscule blessings that God sends you daily? For me, the fact that there is warm coffee every morning when I wake up is a blessing. One of the many blessings that I often miss throughout my busy mornings.
As we sit with family and friends at the dining room table on thanksgiving day, take a moment to be thankful for the little things.
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls .
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Be Sure Of The Dream You Are Following
One of our friends, Lauren Rice, wrote an inspiring blog post. I got permission to post it here. Enjoy!:)
29:8-10, “For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; let
not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you
deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye caused to be
dreamed. For they prophesy falsely unto you in my name: I have not
sent them, saith the LORD. For thus saith the LORD, That after
seventy years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you, and
perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this
this chapter of Jeremiah, the children of Israel are facing dark
times. Because of their sin, God had allowed them to be taken captive
by Babylon. Imagine how willing they were to accept the dreams and
visions of false prophets who told them that they would be going home
before they knew it. “Don’t get settled here, because we’re
going home tomorrow,” they said. That was a sweet dream, but that
was not God’s vision for His people. So God sent Jeremiah to write
a letter to the people of Israel saying that God had other plans.
“Build houses, plant gardens, get married and have kids,” God
said through Jeremiah’s letter. “Because Babylon is your new home
for the next 70 years!” Now that vision was a little different from
the one the false prophets had promised the people!
we are in the same spot as the people of Israel were in this chapter.
As young people, we have big dreams. Yet, just as the people of
Israel, we must make sure we know whose dreams they are before we act
on them. Are they God’s dreams for our life or are they our own
dreams only? Sometimes we have good dreams for our life–even
spiritual ones. Maybe our dream is to be a missionary. The key to
knowing the author of our dreams-whether they are being a missionary,
an entrepreneur or a stay-at-home-mom-is full surrender to God and
His will. Establishing a relationship with God is essential to
knowing His dream for our life.
the big, future things, God can answer our prayers by opening and
closing doors of opportunity, and especially by using godly parents
and authorities in our lives who direct and advise us. When faced
with a strong desire that we’re not sure about, we should ask God
about our dreams. “Dear God, I believe You’ve given me an ability
in ______ area, and I want to use this for You. I surrender my life
to You and desire to know Your will. Is this a part of Your plan? If
not, please take this desire out of my heart and replace it with Your
dream for my life. If this is a part of Your dream for my life,
please show me how I can cultivate it and use it for you. Amen.”
God will reveal His dream for us if we ask, because He wants us to
the little, every-day things, God’s vision for our life is usually
quite obvious. For instance, “Children, obey your parents in the
Lord, for this is right.” (Ephesians 6:1); “. . . whatsoever ye
would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is
the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 7:12); “But seek ye first the
kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33).
must make sure the dreams we are following are not just “the dreams
that ye have caused to be dreamed . . .”, but the dreams that God
has given us. By doing what we know to be right today, and asking God
about the future, we can always be in tune with God’s dream for our
life. As Evangelist Wil Rice IV (my dad) once said, “Be sure of the
dream you are following, then take a step.”
Let us glimpse God’s dream, and then go all out for it!
Let us glimpse God’s dream, and then go all out for it!
Ask any questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls
Saturday, November 22, 2014
The Power Of Prayer
We had recently removed the out of date, unappealing floor tiles from our two hallways and main lobby and the new carpet was not in yet. It. Looked. Awful.
Now this wouldn't normally be a huge deal, but since it was Anniversary Sunday, we expected to have many newcomers at that Sunday morning service. A totally demolished front entryway would not be a very good first impression to these visitors.
We, as a church, went into "last resort mode"--prayer. (Which, may I add, should be first resort mode.:)) Practically everyone in the church (including the children) was praying that we would get this carpet in before this anniversary.
In spite of what the carpet company said was "not possible," the carpet was finished the day before our big event and the church looked awesome!
You may look at this instance and think "It's only carpet. It's no big deal." But we looked at it as proof to those praying kids that God DOES answer us. Praise God prayer works!
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:3
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We, as a church, went into "last resort mode"--prayer. (Which, may I add, should be first resort mode.:)) Practically everyone in the church (including the children) was praying that we would get this carpet in before this anniversary.
In spite of what the carpet company said was "not possible," the carpet was finished the day before our big event and the church looked awesome!
You may look at this instance and think "It's only carpet. It's no big deal." But we looked at it as proof to those praying kids that God DOES answer us. Praise God prayer works!
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:3
Ask question at Girls Inspiring Girls
Friday, November 21, 2014
What Time I Am Afraid
When I was younger, I had the fear of being alone. I don't know why, but I was terrified that if I were left alone, I would open the door and find myself floating in space with nothing but the room I was in. As I got older, it was more of a fear that the rapture would come and everyone I knew and loved would leave me.
I had gotten saved at five years old, but I could only remember certain parts. The fact that I couldn't remember everything scared me. One night when I was about eight years old, I got out of bed and told my mom that I was really scared. I remember that she asked me a question: "Are you doubting your salvation?"
Instead of answering, I pretended like I hadn't heard her. I didn't want to admit that I was.
On October 7, 2010 when I was ten, I went upstairs again and talked to my mom. This time, I placed all of my trust in Jesus Christ. I finally believed that He could and would take all of my sins away. I didn't have to be afraid anymore, because Someone would always be with me.
One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9:
Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.
Titus 1:3 says:
...which God, that cannot lie,...
As you can see in the verse above, God can't lie. That means that everything He has promised us is true. We can completely believe promises such as I will never leave you, I will forgive you, and I will be faithful.
Jesus talked about fear a lot. In fact, fear was usually coupled with faith. In Luke 8:50, He tells Jairus not to fear, but believe (have faith) and his daughter would live.
I thought I knew a lot about having faith. I mean, Faith is my middle name! (Yes, it really is:)) But when I was afraid, I was depending wholly on myself.
The only way to get rid of fear is to replace it with faith and trust completely in God.
Because I'm a Christian, I have two choices: I can continue being afraid, or I can give it to God and walk by faith.
I had gotten saved at five years old, but I could only remember certain parts. The fact that I couldn't remember everything scared me. One night when I was about eight years old, I got out of bed and told my mom that I was really scared. I remember that she asked me a question: "Are you doubting your salvation?"
Instead of answering, I pretended like I hadn't heard her. I didn't want to admit that I was.
On October 7, 2010 when I was ten, I went upstairs again and talked to my mom. This time, I placed all of my trust in Jesus Christ. I finally believed that He could and would take all of my sins away. I didn't have to be afraid anymore, because Someone would always be with me.
One of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9:
Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.
Titus 1:3 says:
...which God, that cannot lie,...
As you can see in the verse above, God can't lie. That means that everything He has promised us is true. We can completely believe promises such as I will never leave you, I will forgive you, and I will be faithful.
Jesus talked about fear a lot. In fact, fear was usually coupled with faith. In Luke 8:50, He tells Jairus not to fear, but believe (have faith) and his daughter would live.
I thought I knew a lot about having faith. I mean, Faith is my middle name! (Yes, it really is:)) But when I was afraid, I was depending wholly on myself.
The only way to get rid of fear is to replace it with faith and trust completely in God.
Because I'm a Christian, I have two choices: I can continue being afraid, or I can give it to God and walk by faith.
I saw a picture once that said "I will claim the promises of God." I want to continue to claim His promises for myself and place my trust in God instead of my own feelings.
What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.
Psalm 56:3
Psalm 56:3
Thursday, November 20, 2014
A Season Of Opportunity
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. These major holidays seem to be all bundled up in one food filled clump. When you think of these holidays, what words come to mind? Some of the first words that I think of include things like family, friends, fun, food and frantic. During the excitement of the holiday shopping, cooking and planning, we tend to forget about the most important word of all: Father.
Not our earthly father, but our heavenly father, the Creator. Although we should be telling others about Jesus all of the time, this season gives us the perfect opportunity to tell others about the God that created the earth and everything in it.
Often, we get so caught up in the business of the season that we let our opportunities pass us by without a second thought. We have places to shop, things to do, and food to cook. But what does our Father say?
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
This should be our motto all the time.
Many people are afraid to tell people about Christ. Their minds are focused on the What If's rather than God's Promises.
Many people are afraid to tell people about Christ. Their minds are focused on the What If's rather than God's Promises.
What if I don't say the right thing?
There is no right or wrong to telling people about Christ. The only rule you need to follow is preach the gospel. (Mark 16:5, Above) There are so many plans to help lead someone to Christ, but there is one simple plan that everyone can do without studying; share your testimony. Tell people how you came to find your Lord and Savior. Tell them verses that have helped you in your Christian journey.
What if they don't get saved?
Not every person you talk to is going to be saved right away. The main thing to remember is that you at least planted a seed. If you don't plant seeds, there definitely won't be a harvest.
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves [with him].
Psalm 126:6
He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves [with him].
Psalm 126:6
What if they laugh at me?
The Bible never says that being a Christian is easy.
The Bible never says that being a Christian is easy.
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
II Timothy 3:12
God Promises...
...I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5
God Promises...
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
John 15:7,8
God Promises....
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.
Romans 8:28
As we saw above, Jesus commands us to go and tell people the way to Heaven. Are we obeying this simple command? Are we sharing God's love with others?
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Cleaning Out The Spiritual Closet
My closet at home would normally be considered a pretty big closet, but when you think about the fact that there are three teenage girls sharing it, it doesn't seem quite so big anymore. It's never a good thing when you don't have enough room for your clothes. When that happens, I know I desperately needed to reorganize and throw some stuff away.

At a summer camp that I went to, I realized that there were so many idols in my life that there wasn't any room for God. I'm not talking about a gigantic gold statue of some dead guy. The kind of idol I'm talking about is anything in my life that I put ahead of God.
For me personally, my iPod was one of the things in my life that I was putting before God. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up, and the last thing I saw before I fell asleep. I was filling my life up with texting, friends, and games rather than focusing on the things of God. It was all I thought about. I was so busy with my own "important" stuff that I didn't have time for God. Instead of spending time doing devotions in the morning, I usually would convince myself to do it later. It wasn't just hurting my relationship with God, but it was also in the way of other things like school and family. To be truthful, I was wasting my time.
As a Christian, my goal is to glorify God and to keep a good testimony as a part of His family. When people see me, they should see Christ. My life may have seemed godly on the outside, but my heart was filled up with things that didn't really matter. I realized that I was just following the motions of being a Christian instead of making a decision in my heart that I would put nothing before Christ.
It is my prayer that instead of being filled with the things of this world, my heart will stay focused on one thing only; my Father in Heaven.
~Autumn De Leon
Ask questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls
At a summer camp that I went to, I realized that there were so many idols in my life that there wasn't any room for God. I'm not talking about a gigantic gold statue of some dead guy. The kind of idol I'm talking about is anything in my life that I put ahead of God.
For me personally, my iPod was one of the things in my life that I was putting before God. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up, and the last thing I saw before I fell asleep. I was filling my life up with texting, friends, and games rather than focusing on the things of God. It was all I thought about. I was so busy with my own "important" stuff that I didn't have time for God. Instead of spending time doing devotions in the morning, I usually would convince myself to do it later. It wasn't just hurting my relationship with God, but it was also in the way of other things like school and family. To be truthful, I was wasting my time.
As a Christian, my goal is to glorify God and to keep a good testimony as a part of His family. When people see me, they should see Christ. My life may have seemed godly on the outside, but my heart was filled up with things that didn't really matter. I realized that I was just following the motions of being a Christian instead of making a decision in my heart that I would put nothing before Christ.
It is my prayer that instead of being filled with the things of this world, my heart will stay focused on one thing only; my Father in Heaven.
~Autumn De Leon
Ask questions you may have at Girls Inspiring Girls
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Battle
I recently finished a book series. After finishing this series, I felt an actual sense of relief. Not because I didn't like the series, on the contrary -- I had been so thoroughly engrossed in the books that every failure, success, and trial that the hero went through seemed almost to me as if it was really happening. When after all their struggle, pain, loss and suffering, they finally reached their goal and stopped the villain, I felt relieved that they no longer had to suffer for the present. But alas, it was just a book. That kind of stuff doesn't really happen...right?
Wrong! We live in our own story and we fight our own battles against the greatest villain ever known. Sometimes he sends a curve ball our way and disrupts our work in ways that you can't even imagine until you are deep in the throes and all seems hopeless.
Yet, just as we have the greatest enemy in the world that fights against us, we have the greatest ally known to man that fights for us! We cannot fight this battle alone. No one can. In Christ ALONE my hope is found. He defeats the enemy for us!
When all the struggle is over, we can look back at all the failures, successes, and trials and know that they hold no power over us. We can feel relief.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
I Corinthians 10:13
-Caitlyn Dillhoff
Monday, November 17, 2014
My Winter Photo Dump
It's snowing in Ohio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother Stephen and I
My sister Serenity's snowman
My Sister Charity
Happy Monday!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thankfulness On A Cookie Sheet
Have you ever been in a situation where a person says: "We're going to go around the table and name three things each that we are thankful for"?
We've probably all been there.
My personal response is usually:
- "Wait, we are???? And did you say three things?? That's way too many."
- #mindblank
- Hope that I'm last so I can steal ideas from everyone else.
Why is it so hard for us to be thankful? Don't go around making a list, but how many times do you hear other people complaining? Would it be easier for you to make a list of things you aren't thankful for rather than a list of things that you are thankful for?
Most of us would say no, but if you're honest, it probably applies.
Last Sunday in our teen girl's Sunday School class, we were given the assignment to fill a piece of paper with things for which we are thankful. Our teacher said that anything goes.
Her example was that she was thankful for floors (aka: something you stand on that is not a chair). Because without floors, where would you be? Answer: outside on the cold, hard, wet ground. And if you're already outside on the cold, hard, wet ground, then you would be floating in space or something.
<deep voice> "We interrupt this Thankful post to show you how to make your own cool wall decoration!!"
We each got a regular dollar store cookie sheet and transferred the things we were thankful for from our paper to the cookie sheet. And if you use different colored markers, it looks really cool.:)
Because Thanksgiving is coming, we tend to think about being thankful more often in this time of year. But shouldn't we be thankful all of the time? The Bible mentions the word “thankful” or other forms of the word 139 times. So it must be pretty important.
In everything gives thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
See that word "everything"? That means everything; including good things and bad.
I put my Thankful Chart where I'll see it every day. It's just a good reminder of what I'm thankful for and also to be thankful everyday.
Of course, the best thing to be thankful for is that Jesus came and humbled Himself to die for our sins!
~Carissa De Leon
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