At a summer camp that I went to, I realized that there were so many idols in my life that there wasn't any room for God. I'm not talking about a gigantic gold statue of some dead guy. The kind of idol I'm talking about is anything in my life that I put ahead of God.
For me personally, my iPod was one of the things in my life that I was putting before God. It was the first thing I saw when I woke up, and the last thing I saw before I fell asleep. I was filling my life up with texting, friends, and games rather than focusing on the things of God. It was all I thought about. I was so busy with my own "important" stuff that I didn't have time for God. Instead of spending time doing devotions in the morning, I usually would convince myself to do it later. It wasn't just hurting my relationship with God, but it was also in the way of other things like school and family. To be truthful, I was wasting my time.
As a Christian, my goal is to glorify God and to keep a good testimony as a part of His family. When people see me, they should see Christ. My life may have seemed godly on the outside, but my heart was filled up with things that didn't really matter. I realized that I was just following the motions of being a Christian instead of making a decision in my heart that I would put nothing before Christ.
It is my prayer that instead of being filled with the things of this world, my heart will stay focused on one thing only; my Father in Heaven.
~Autumn De Leon
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Great post Audi!!