Girls Inspiring Girls

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Years Post | Autumn

I never used to understood what people meant when they said, "The year just flew by!" But it's already 2015!!!!!! So now I can say, 2014 really did go fast!

Caitlyn had the idea of having each of us write some kind of a New Years post, and to be completely honest, my first thought  was “ UGG that sounds like work! What in the world do I say??” But after I thought about it and started to write it down, there were many things that happened last year. 

One of my favorite times last year was getting to see two of my friends that I don't get to see alot, Charis and Caitlyn, at a ladies retreat our church held. We had so much fun! 

In July, I was able to go to summer camp at a small camp in West Virginia. I love camp, not just for the games and new friends, but also because I never know what incredible things God will do through the preaching, both in my life and in so many others. I made several new friends last year, and although most of them live out of state, I am thankful that God put them in my life!! 

A huge answer to prayer was that God provided the money to start piano lessons for the first time. It was always my dream, but I never thought it would come true. I also had the privilege to start teaching violin in the fall. 

And just a little side note, my baby sister was born in September and she's the cutest baby ever! I'm just a bit biased ;) 

School has started back up at my house, and I will be finishing up my senior year of high school, and starting college classes in the next couple weeks. It's a little overwhelming, but it's exciting at the same time! 

God has taught me so many things, but probably the main thing is that He is always in control. There is no way I can do anything on my own. Believe me, I've tried it, and it doesn't work! 

One of my mom's sayings is, "You just take today, not tomorrow, but today. And when it comes to tomorrow it will be today." It took a couple times of her saying that for me to actually understands what she meant. I need to be in the very center of God's will today and I don't need to worry about school, church ect. It's a moment by moment thing, daily trusting in God, trusting that He's completely in control of my life. 

So this year just pray that others will see Christ through me and that I will be a testimony for Him. 

I am very excited to what God has in store for me in 2015!


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