Girls Inspiring Girls

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wednesday Quote | Love

"If you are a child of God, the immense full force of the Father's love for His Son is directed to you." -author unknown

Wow! That's a lot of love! Stop and read that quote again...

It's basically saying that if Christ lives in you, then you are a child of God. And because of that, God loves you as much as He loves His Son! 

I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. 
   ~John 17:23 

Have a fantastic Wednesday!! 


Friday, May 1, 2015

Sunday School | Joseph Part 2

As my sister said in the last post, we've been going through the life of Joseph for the past couple of weeks in our Small Group Sunday School class. This was one of those lessons that I wasn't super excited about. I mean, I've heard about Joseph all my life. But for the past two Sundays, I've learned so much! Here's a few things I learned.

First, Joseph's responses were very important. If he had responded differently just once, the outcome would have much different. For instance, if Joseph had disobeyed his father and not gone to find his brothers, he wouldn't have been sold into slavery. While this may seem like a good thing, you have to follow through the entire account.

If he hadn't been sold and taken to Egypt, he never would have gone to Potiphar's house. He never would have been wrongly accused and sent to jail. He never would have interpreted the butler's and baker's dream. He never would have been remembered by the butler and interpreted Pharoah's dream. He never would have become second in command over Egypt and saved thousands, if not millions, of lives when the famine came.

His responses mattered.

That was really eye-opening to me. What I do right now affects me, my family, and everyone around me; even if it seems like it doesn't matter.

Second, Joseph was content to be where he was. He didn't get mad or angry when he was sold to Potiphar. Instead, he worked hard and gained his master's trust. He became the best steward he could be.

When he was put in jail, he again worked hard and gained the prison keeper's trust. This sort of ties in with his responses. If he had had a bad attitude and pouted or whatever, he probably would have never been put in charge of those two men from Pharoah's house.

Joseph didn't complain when the butler forgot about him for two years. For two years!! He just waited and trusted that God had a perfect plan for him. And God did. One of the things Lisa (our SS teacher) said, was that whatever I have right here and right now, it is enough. God provides exactly what I need when I need it.

He was content with where God had put him and with what He had given him.

Anyway, that's my take on the lesson. What do you think?

 Have an awesome Friday!!


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