Many times, when you are about to go home from revival meetings, camp, or a retreat, the preacher will usually tell you though it is good to be surrounded by godly people and preaching all of the time, you eventually have to "come down from the mountain."
This past week I was at a winter retreat in West Virginia and in those hills, that statement becomes all too real.
Yet, even though I know that I have to, I don't like to come down from my spiritual mountain. I don't want to come back to the "real world." The real world can hurt. The real world is where the devil resides. And in the real world it is hard to live for Christ. Yet often, we are the very ones who make it so hard.
As Christians, we make it so hard by trusting in our own strength to "do better." When we try in our own faulted, flawed, and fallen selves, we will fail. We will not, and we CANNOT simply "do better." Our strength is only weakness that Satan can use. However, when I realize that to "come off the mountain" and try to follow through with my decisions in my strength is spiritual suicide, I can begin to see that God has the strength that I lack, and He wants to give it to me. All I have to do is ask. He is in our favor and He wants us to succeed. I must realize that "I cannot," but "He can!" And He will, if we only ask.
Matthew 7:7 Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Romans 8:31 If God be for us, who can be against us?
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