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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thankfulness On A Cookie Sheet

Have you ever been in a situation where a person says: "We're going to go around the table and name three things each that we are thankful for"?

We've probably all been there.

My personal response is usually:
  1. "Wait, we are???? And did you say three things?? That's way too many."
  2. #mindblank 
  3. Hope that I'm last so I can steal ideas from everyone else.

Why is it so hard for us to be thankful? Don't go around making a list, but how many times do you hear other people complaining? Would it be easier for you to make a list of things you aren't thankful for rather than a list of things that you are thankful for? 

Most of us would say no, but if you're honest, it probably applies.

Last Sunday in our teen girl's Sunday School class, we were given the assignment to fill a piece of paper with things for which we are thankful. Our teacher said that anything goes. 

Her example was that she was thankful for floors (aka: something you stand on that is not a chair). Because without floors, where would you be? Answer: outside on the cold, hard, wet ground. And if you're already outside on the cold, hard, wet ground, then you would be floating in space or something.

<deep voice> "We interrupt this Thankful post to show you how to make your own cool wall decoration!!" 

We each got a regular dollar store cookie sheet and transferred the things we were thankful for from our paper to the cookie sheet. And if you use different colored markers, it looks really cool.:)

Because Thanksgiving is coming, we tend to think about being thankful more often in this time of year. But shouldn't we be thankful all of the time? The Bible mentions the word “thankful” or other forms of the word 139 times. So it must be pretty important. 

In everything gives thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18

See that word "everything"? That means everything; including good things and bad. 

I put my Thankful Chart where I'll see it every day. It's just a good reminder of what I'm thankful for and also to be thankful everyday. 

Of course, the best thing to be thankful for is that Jesus came and humbled Himself to die for our sins! 

~Carissa De Leon


  1. That was great Carissa! A good reminder. Love you!!

  2. What a sweet idea. The only way it could have been any better and sweeter was......if there were cookies on it to eat! :) I am thankful for our teens and their teen teacher, for sure!
